Let's Get Metaphysical Show
Explore how what you cannot see, hear, taste, smell, or touch influences your life in every moment. Metaphysics is easy to understand when you discover it in the lives of everyday people just like you.
Let's Get Metaphysical Show
How You Bring About What You Think About
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Your thoughts create your reality. Yes, even though most of them occur out of awareness. Your perpetual life view, mood, and opinions reflect your habitual thoughts.
Many factors impact what keeps you stuck. Bottomline is you, and you alone control what you create as your reality. Your paradigms are the set of habits running you. Only with awareness of those running your life each moment allows you the chance to replace undesirable paradigms with new ones you desire as your daily life patterns.
Discover the simple, not necessarily easy, new patterns to change your world!
Watch Rev. Ali’s The Law of Giving and Receiving ordination speech to discover exactly how to create your worthy goal that changes everything.
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Well, last week, I told you, I'd be sharing with you what you think about, you bring about.
But I'm going to tell you just how that works and why you have control over the thoughts and what you're creating in your world.
Hi, I'm Reverend Ali Bierman, and thank you for joining us here today for Let's Get Metaphysical Show, where we're really looking into how come your world looks the way it does.
Does everybody visualize and create reality the same way?
Is what you're doing working for you?
I want to know, and that's why I'm here for you to understand how all of this works.
And now let's get back to the topic.
What you think about, you bring about.
You've probably heard that lots and lots, and it's talking about every thought that you have becomes your reality.
But it's really a whole lot deeper.
There are a whole lot of elements that are causing that to happen.
If you stop and look at who your five closest friends in the world, where are they emotionally?
Do they match your lifestyle?
Are they happy or sad or angry or stuck or just moving right along?
Because the thing is, your five closest friends have the biggest impact on you.
And if you're staying close to them, their state of mind is going to impact you.
Their lifestyle is going to impact you.
And it's not because you're sitting and thinking, that's what I want to do, that's why I want to live my life.
It's because whatever environment we are in, the people in it, they're in a specific place energetically.
So their energy, and I don't care if they're on the other side of the world or next door or in your same house, their energy is going boom, boom, impacting you hugely.
The next thing to think about is many, many people are out there kind of aimlessly going through each day, and they might have a vague sort of goal in life.
But if nothing's happening to change that goal, here's what's missing.
Your goal has to be something big that impacts the lives of others.
It needs to be a worthy goal.
And what do I mean by worthy?
There is a law of giving and a law of receiving, and you'll see the link to the...
I gave that talk when I was ordained, and you'll get a good understanding for what's giving and what's receiving and why they both matter.
So your worthy goal, it's not about, oh, I want to live in a beautiful, beautiful home.
I want to drive a beautiful car.
That's not a worthy goal.
That's not a goal that's going to change lives, and it's not just human lives.
It's the planet, it's the animals, it's the trees, it's the plants, it's energy going out in outer space.
Energy is real.
It's very real.
So what you do, you want to do something that gives to others.
And in that process, the universe will be giving back to you.
And that's how the world works, and that's how we come to a healthy place, and a happier place for all, so that everybody can have their needs met.
Because a lot of people are stuck for a lot of reasons we're not going into today.
Take your time and go into your heart and figure out what is my worthy goal?
What's the purpose of my life?
Because here's the really cool thing.
When you get really specific and you know what you want and you know why you want and you know how it's going to change the world, the universe immediately delivers it to you, immediately, just like that.
However, it doesn't allow it in to you until you take action.
Action could be something like, well, not affirmations.
Let me tell you why not affirmations.
A lot of people are speaking in affirmation like, I'm enjoying my beautiful home.
I'm enjoying my great new job.
Well, those things aren't true.
And your subconscious mind is hearing and says, no, that's not true.
That's not right.
That's not happening.
So it goes cancel, cancel, cancel.
That's why affirmations can't work for you.
So instead of speaking affirmation, you might just take a few power words that trigger your subconscious of the direction you want to go.
So for me, I'll do something like health, wealth, success, and smile.
And I'll just say those words, just those words, not a sentence, just not putting them into any picture or result.
Because you know what?
The universe knows a whole lot better than I do how to best make the world work according to my participation in it.
I'm going to leave that to the universe, and I might speak or sing or even dance those words, because I feel really good.
And it's real important to feel really good, because then you're having vibrations flowing through you.
And if you've been following me for a while, you know I've written more than a thousand articles on happiness, and your whole body chemistry changes when you're happy, even when you're smiling.
No affirmations, but speak two, three words that categorize what you want to have in your world, so that you can realize your worthy goal, so that you can change lives in that process.
Your life gets to change, too.
Now, when you create that goal, make it a picture, because the subconscious mind really understands pictures, when you add feeling to what you're picturing.
That's what really connects into your heart and into the subconscious mind, which is how things get created, because the universal subconscious mind is what brings things, what manifests things into your reality.
And in fact, just here's a little note.
If you ever feel really, really stuck, and there's something you want to do, and you have a goal that you want to accomplish right away, you have no idea how you're going to do it.
All you have to do is put it in your heart, and it will immediately go up into the universal subconscious mind, and suddenly you'll have your answers, and you'll know how to do it.
And I know that because all my life, when I don't know how to do something, when I'm going to make something, and I have no idea how to do it, I just let it go to the universe, and instantly I get to step by step by step.
And I'll say, I know how I did it, but I got the result I was after, and you can do it too, because it's not unique to me.
That's how the universe works.
So those things add up together to make your world look the way you want it to look, because you are nourishing yourself, allowing your energy to make a difference in other lives, and the feeling that you get when you do that.
It just feels like so much deep love, and you will see you will witness, even if it's just one person at a time, you will witness the world changing.
Now remember, nothing in the world ever happens to you.
Nothing in the world ever even happens for you.
Every single thing, no matter how gruddy you think it is, it happens because of you.
I know that for a fact, because I've had three brain injuries, and I've been through an extremely traumatic event the last five weeks.
And when I was feeling nervous and upset, I caught myself, and I just said to myself, health, wealth, success, and smile, and I'd walk around.
And I'd do that many times throughout the day, and I'd even sing it, and even do a little dance, like a happy dance, and you can do it too.
And that's what actually creates change.
When these nasty things are happening, and I said, universe, why I'm such a good person, why is all this happening?
And then I very quickly got a very clear answer.
There's something you've been missing, Ali.
And here it is.
And as soon as I got that instant change in my world.
When you're happy, do you notice that more things come into your world that leave you feeling happy?
Thank you again for being here again.
I'm Reverend Ali Bierman.
This is Let's Get Metaphysical Show.
Please join our Facebook group, because in there, you can ask questions.
Tell me what you want, and I'll fit it in, because everybody wants something different, so that we can all reach the same goal, which is conscious awareness of how our world is being created.
And it might appear slightly differently for each person, but really in the big picture, there's just one formula.
And you can watch or listen to any episode on our show site.
And please remember to enjoy, that's capital I-N, capital J-O-Y, every moment, because absolutely nothing in the world happens outside of you.
It all happens within.
I look forward to being here with you next time.
You create your world in each minute.
This is your life.
Choose to win it!
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