Let's Get Metaphysical Show
Explore how what you cannot see, hear, taste, smell, or touch influences your life in every moment. Metaphysics is easy to understand when you discover it in the lives of everyday people just like you.
Let's Get Metaphysical Show
Happy Life Formula: Be Do Have
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Decide the life you truly desire to live - in every minute detail - what does your life look and feel like? TAke your time before you act.
If you jump in and do, do, do without first defining yourself then you waste your time and energy. By acting first you wind up in the masses who struggle and cannot figure out why they fail.
How do you decide and then figure out who you need to become so you get to live the life of your dreams?
Rev. Ali Bierman shares steps she took and continues to take on the path leading to all her dreams. You can do it too.
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“Be, do, have, that's how I create. How about you? If you listen to a lot of teachers out there right now, they just tell you, do, do, do, take action, take action, take action.
The person taking the most action the fastest succeeds. Do you know how many people in your world find that to be true? Or is the overwhelming number of people who jump in and do really struggling?
Hi, I'm Reverend Ali Bierman. This is Let's Get Metaphysical Show, showing you how the forces at work in the universe all the time, but they're invisible. They're running your life.
Not necessarily running bossing you, though they are giving you advice. But just tune in to all that guidance. Let's get back.
Many, many, many, many, many years ago, I figured out, well, if you want to make changes in your life, if you want to make changes to who you are, the first thing you got to do is figure out who you want to be, who do you have to be to live the life that you're thinking you want to live. See, once you figure out who you want to be, then you can[…]”
From Let's Get Metaphysical Show: Happy Life Formula: Be Do Have, Sep 2, 2024
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